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A calculated price set's data.


amountnull | stringRequired
The calculated amount. It can possibly be null if there's no price set up for the provided context.
currency_codenull | stringRequired
The currency code of the calculated price. It can possibly be null.
The ID of the money amount.
max_quantitynull | stringRequired
The maximum quantity required to be purchased for this price to apply. It's set if the quantity property is provided in the context. Otherwise, its value will be null.
min_quantitynull | stringRequired
The minimum quantity required to be purchased for this price to apply. It's set if the quantity property is provided in the context. Otherwise, its value will be null.
price_list_idnull | stringRequired
The ID of the associated price list, if any.
price_list_typenull | stringRequired
The type of the associated price list, if any.
The ID of the associated price set.
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